Tiara Auxier
Utah House of Representatives
District 4



My name is Tiara Auxier. I am a strong voice for our shared conservative values in House District 4. I’m committed to education, not indoctrination. I’ll work to restore local control in voting, agriculture, and zoning. I’ll support and fund border protection and protect Utah’s resources. 

Fiscal responsibility, cutting wasteful spending, and opposing tax hikes are essential. As an accountant, I fully understand the power of a spending cap, and will make it a priority. It is the only way to bring about the results we all want to see. Let's defend what makes Utah great!

My name is Tiara Auxier and I am deeply proud to call Utah home. From a young age, I’ve been a passionate student of history, government, and the enduring qualities of our beloved country. Understanding our past has made me even more committed to our nation’s foundational values—values like hard work, integrity, and personal responsibility. We must continue to honor the sacrifice and vision of those who came before us.

After earning my B.A. in Accounting, I worked as a tax accountant before choosing to dedicate my time to raising a family with my wonderful husband. My professional experience solidified my belief that public funds must be treated with the utmost respect. I oppose wasteful spending and unnecessary tax increases. Utah deserves leaders who plan for the future, safeguard resources, and make fiscally responsible decisions.

As a devoted wife and mother with a lifelong passion for learning, education is so important to me. For the past several years I’ve served on District & School Community Councils in Salt Lake and Morgan counties, advocating for parents' rights to shape their children’s education and ensure curriculum decisions reflect our community values. During this time I have seen firsthand how many critical decisions are dictated at the state level. That realization is what has inspired me to step forward and seek a greater role to make a difference where it matters most.

I am serving to protect our state, our communities, and our families. The future depends on leaders with a strong voice who are willing to stand firm for conservative values, and protect the freedom to practice and live our religious beliefs. I will continue to stand up for what’s right, even when it’s unpopular, and feel honored to continue my family’s tradition of patriotism and public service in Utah. Together, we can preserve what makes our state and nation exceptional.

Tiara Auxier - House District #4